Microcast Monday #49: Your New Normal Continues To Change. Are You ready?

As you head into your Monday, please be safe. Do everything you are being told to do. I know it seems extreme or even embarrassing sometimes but its needed to mitigate COVID-19.

A special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Thank you so much for what you do, especially in these trying times. Another big thanks to EVERYONE who are keeping this great country going! We will come out from this stronger and more resilient.

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Are you ready for your world to change? Because the normal you were used to is not going to be the new normal going forward. Social distancing and other mandates that are sure to come are here to stay. Are you ready for that? What are you doing now to pivot and make adjustments? Now more than ever most of us have the time now to build a foundation for the future you want down the road.

Remember you can do anything you want. Remember to cultivate the correct mindset.

If you need someone to talk to remember you can reach out to me. You can find me on social media and of course the CJEvolution Contact Form.

Go out and conquer your Monday.

