Microcast Monday #97 – Your Rebirth Starts NOW

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation designed to get you started on the right path for your day and week. Thank you so much for the support, and because of YOU this podcast is Top Ranked. Please rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts. Give us that 5-Star Rating and Review. 

A big shout out and THANK YOU to all the Criminal Justice Professionals who are working in a dangerous and ever-changing environment. Remember you are Honored, Cherished and LOVED. Keep up the great work. 

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What are your limiting beliefs? What are you thinking that is holding you back? Now, I don’t want you to linger in that mindset, but I want you to be aware. The most powerful two words are I AMI AM great. I AM powerful. I AM successful. Get into the habit of saying positive affirmations to yourself every day. 

I was recently talking to a friend who wants to exit the law enforcement profession and he told me he is scared because he doesn’t think he has any talents or skills to offer the private sector.  That is a mindset, and your mindset is 100% up to you. If you are living the life of your dreams right now and are happy then I am very happy for you. But, I know the majority of you are NOT

Life transformations and changes will take place all the time. You can’t control what you can’t control. However, you CAN control how you react. I am going through a transformation right in my life. I call it a rebirth. I know my future is filled with success and happiness. 

Are you ready?


I hope you have a great and amazing day. Stay tuned for more great guests on The Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast.

Links & Resources:

  • Check out previous episodes here
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  • Download a free copy of my book EVOLVE here

