Microcast Monday #158 – You Don’t Have Much Time. Act!

You Don't Have Much Time. Act! | Microcast Monday CJEvolution Podcast

Hello everyone and welcome back to The CJEvolution Podcast. Thank you for listening to the show. Please give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts we sure would appreciate it. 

A special thanks to YOU. The criminal justice / first responder professional. Thank you for what you do every day for our communities. Remember you are honored, cherished, and loved. Keep up the good work and please be safe. 

As we head into the holidays please remember that many people suffer especially during this time of year. Keep them in your prayers.

I struggled. I was in a dark place for a long time. I was in pain, and I masked it with alcohol.  I was contemplating hurting myself.  I finally decided to reach out and ask for help, and I am grateful I did. FHE Health and The Shatterproof Program saved my life. If you are struggling, you don’t have to stay there. We can and will help you. Reach out today at 303.960.9819.


The only thing we have is time. And not much of it. Every day you procrastinate and push off what you have to do is another day wasted. 2023 is going to be your year if you let it be and take action. 

You have a few days left in 2022 to make your plans and take action.

Go out and conquer your day and week.



