Microcast Monday #94 – You Are NOT Defined By Your Past

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Short bursts of motivation and inspiration that will get you started in the right direction for your week. Thank you for the continued support for me and the show. I am grateful and appreciate YOU. Please give us that 5-Star Rating on Apple Podcasts. 

A BIG Thank you to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice system. Remember you are honored, cherished and loved. Keep up the great work. 

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Microcast Monday 

I think a lot of people get caught up in the mistakes they have made personally and professionally and they dwell in that realm a lot. I know I do sometimes. I think of all the things I should have said differently, the compassion and empathy I should have given and so on. However, I do know that I continue to learn from my mistakes and grow from them. I encourage you to do the same. I also encourage you to BELIEVE that you ARE NOT DEFINED BY YOUR PAST. You have a chance RIGHT NOW to forge a new path with what you have learned. 


Go out and conquer your day and remember you are LOVED.

Links & Resources:

  • Check out previous episodes here
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