Who is on Your Team?

We all have many people in our lives. Friends, family, coworkers — they are all part of our team.

However, acquiring the best kind of people to keep you on the path to success isn’t always easy. Perhaps some of the people you have let on your team are toxic or have become an energy drain. When you allow this, it can and often does wreak havoc on your success.

Think of any successful sports team or organization. A major contributor to their success is the fact that everyone on the team knows their goals and objectives and works in harmony with each other to achieve them.

If you do have toxic people on your team, then you need to get them out of your life. Pronto!

Sometimes this is difficult because they may be family or close friends. But, trust me, removing the negative energy, the nay-sayers, the doubters, the complainers… will not only make you happier, but it’s physically better for you too. Toxic environments contribute to increased stress, high blood pressure, fatigue, chronic illness, and more.

Who are the team members that you have surrounded yourself with? How do you go about assembling the right team members? If you are like most people, you want key aspects of your life to improve. Therefore, seek out the people who can be part of your team in the following areas:

Health & Fitness – Don’t give me this crap that you don’t have time to work out, and you are too busy. That’s BS. You don’t have to hit the gym for hours at a time. In fact, research indicates that all it takes is doing some sort of physical exercise 30 minutes a day to see benefits. You can sacrifice waiting in line at the Starbucks drive-through to get that high-calorie, sugary drink (that you probably don’t need) and get to the gym. Once your health is compromised, everything else can and will suffer. There are plenty of resources out there to help you with your fitness and there is probably an officer in your organization that can give advice and encourage you on the path to fitness. 

I’ll share a quick story: I recently had Joel “Thor” Neeb on the CJEvolution Podcast. Joel was an F15 fighter pilot with the U.S. Air Force. He escorted U.S. Presidents and was the tactical leader of 300 of the most senior combat pilots in the Air Force. While at the top of his game he was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer and beat it. An amazing story of courage. Listen to it here: www.cjevolution.com

Finances – Like health and fitness, getting control of your finances takes discipline and planning. Don’t take advice from people who think they know what’s best for your financial future. Have the right financial person or persons on your team. Seek out advice from the experts and stay away from the people who tell you that money is the root of all evil, and that it only causes problems. More BS. Think Law of Attraction. What you think and what you put out there, you are going to receive. If you are afraid of talking about money or think it’s somehow noble to live in poverty, guess what? That’s archaic thinking and exactly what you are going to get in return. Remember, money doesn’t cause problems. People cause problems.

Spirituality – When we talk about this, it not just associated with religious beliefs. Spirituality can also mean personal growth and seeking that inner dimension that helps us become the best version of ourselves. Seek out the right team members for this role. People who lift you up, see the glass as “half-full,” and have a genuine interest in you and your spirituality.

Personal / Life Coach – A lot of people have coaches. Successful CEOs and entrepreneurs have coaches. Even the best athletes in the world have coaches, even Tiger Woods. One of the best golfers of all time even has a coach. Why? Because he knows there is always room for improvement and growth.

So, should you. Get the right team members onboard and go conquer your life. 

