Microcast Monday #72: Get Clarity. What is YOUR WHY?

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. It’s the start of a new week. New opportunities are ahead of you. Change your mindset and go after them. Special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the Criminal Justice Field. Remember you are honored, cherished and above all you are LOVED.

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Do you ever feel like you are floating around life with no purpose? I know I do sometimes, and when I start going down that path I come back to my why. I think about my path in life and why I am doing the things I am doing at this moment.  If you know your why – Great.

I am willing to bet that a LOT of you don’t know your why. I think about the movie Forrest Gump and the feather at the end of the movie that is getting tossed around by the wind. That is MOST people out their.  A lot of people are on their current path because of other factors. Maybe your parents told you to go on a certain path. Maybe you think you can’t do anything else with your life. Maybe you think you are STUCK in the position you are in right now (Side note- I don’t believe we are ever really stuck). 

Take some time to figure out your why? Once you do that you will get Clarity and it will improve your LIFE. Success if yours. Remember to cultivate and develop your why. 

Stay tuned for more great episodes on The CJEvolution Podcast

