Microcast Monday #103 – What Are YOU Doing to Change Your Circumstances?

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday’s. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started on the right foot for your day. 

I am so grateful for the brave men and women who protect and serve everyday. A BIG shout out to everyone who works in the Criminal Justice Field. Please give us that 5-Star Rating on Apple Podcasts we sure would appreciate it. Thank you for what you do. Remember you are Honored, Cherished and Loved. Keep up the great work. 

Sponsor: I want to tell you about my friends at Extra Duty Solutions who are helping Law Enforcement Agencies add efficiency and effectiveness to their extra duty programs while allowing them to focus on what really matters – the safety of their citizens. They work with law enforcement agencies and can help in areas such as: Client interaction, Officer Payments, Feedback, Problem Resolution and so much more. Their services are provided at NO COST to the agency and a minimal cost to the client. Check them out here and tell them Patrick from CJEvolution sent you.

We all face problems, personally and professionally. Everyone has challenges including you. If you don’t have any problems that you are struggling with then you are very lucky. Most people do. So, if you are one of those people my question to you is what are you doing to change your circumstances? Are you sitting on the sidelines waiting for something to fall into your lap? That doesn’t happen. 

If you are unhappy at work what are you going to do? If you are unhappy with your personal life, what are you going to do? 

You see, life is an inside game. Everything you want, the change that you want comes from within. You have the power to make the changes needed in your life. 

Go for it – Remember, regret is painful. 

Go out and conquer your day, and stay tuned for more great guests on The Top Ranked Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast.

Links & Resouces:

  • Check out previous episodes here
  • Follow me on Facebook & Twitter for more content
  • Download a free copy of my book EVOLVE here

