Microcast Monday #33: Are you on track with your Goals and Objectives?

In this Microcast Monday, I wanted to take a few moments and talk about your goals and objectives you hopefully made at the beginning of 2019.

Are you on track with meeting those goals and objectives?

If yes, then great but most people fall short when it comes to reaching new years goals and objectives, but remember it doesn’t have to be this way. If you tap into the mindset that you can achieve whatever you want, then the world is yours. Also, write down your goals and objectives. You have a great chance of reaching those if you write them down. I want you to start thinking now about what you want to accomplish today, this week, this month and the next year – Write those down!

Remember you can do and achieve anything you set you mind to.

Go out and conquer the week. I would love to hear about your progress!! Reach out to me.


  • I am so excited that my book EVOLVE is here. If you want a signed copy of the book reach out to my on social media! You can also reach me on the CJEvolution website. If you want a FREE eBook version of EVOLVE just click here.
  • I am excited to attend the Conclave of Warriors in Fort Lauderdale FL December 14-15th 2019. This amazing event is geared towards entrepreneurs, law enforcement and military but anyone can attend. Amazing speakers like Brad Lea, Craig “Sawman” Sawyer, Rafa Conde and other influential people will be there. If you want to push your personal and professional life to the next level then attend this event. I will be one of the sponsors, and I would love to meet you.

Sponsor: If you love coffee, you are going to love the products from Four Sigmatic. From Coffees to Cocoas their products are amazing. My personal favorite is the Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com

Stay tuned for more great episodes.

