Ep. 299: Sean Douglas: Speaker, Master Resilience Implementer & Author

Hello everyone and welcome back to the show. Special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. You are all doing a fantastic job. Keep up the great work.

Sean Douglas

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In this episode, Patrick welcomes Sean Douglas.

Sean inspires and motivates people to “Live Your Brand” so they can grow personally and professionally. He offers life transformation skills and business strategies to those just starting out and up to 50-year-old Professionals, Military Veterans, Entrepreneurs, Professional Speakers, and Business Owners that will unlock your true potential and elevate you to new heights in your personal and professional lives. In a highly interactive and engaging environment, utilizing online mentoring sessions and face face to face workshops, he equips people with the tools necessary to live EPIC lives, and leave people better equipped to manage change effectively. His WHY is that he is a suicide survivor who hit rock bottom and has seen firsthand what that path leads to, and now he shares his powerful testimony globally.

Sean was at one time abusing alcohol, facing the real possibility of losing his military career and his family…

On St. Patrick’s Day 2007, his house burned down after throwing a very large party that spiraled out of control. He was left alone in the ashes by those who he thought were his friends. The only person left standing with him would later become my wife. They were married July 2007, and in December of 2008, they had filed for divorce and called it quits. Having failed at marriage and not feeling accepted by anyone, he tried took my own life. Due to my excessive drinking and negative thinking, he felt unloved and of no value. he sat on my bedroom floor in an empty house where his family used to be and put a gun in his mouth. It was in this moment that he had given up. With the help of my military family, Chaplains, and close family members, I have since recovered and turned to God for healing. Through my Faith, I help others before they travel down that dark road. ​

In 2009, after receiving treatment, he was recommended to become an Air Force Drill Instructor, called a Military Training Instructor (MTI). It was here that an unknown passion was unlocked. he fell in love with speaking, training, mentoring, and he found his purpose for life. After four years, he learned how to tell my story. In 2014, he became a Master Resilience Trainer for the U.S. Air Force and it’s where he gained a platform to tell my testimony. He wrote my first book in 2016, titled, “Decisions: The Power to Overcome Self-Defeating Behaviors.” In 2017, he started my online radio show, Life Transformation Radio. It has become his platform for transformation and to inspire the listeners to take MASSIVE in their life to live their dreams.

His love for helping others achieve their dreams and instilling in them that extra motivation to finish strong is at the forefront of every speech and presentation Sean delivers. He gives a personal GUARANTEE that the audience will leave motivated, fulfilled, and with a refreshed attitude. His main goal is to have a positive impact difference in the lives of everyone he meets, to help stop self-defeating behaviors, and to inspire change and transformation in their lives. His interactive training develops the participants’ skills in the Mental, Social, Emotional, and Spiritual domains of Resilience which empowers them to withstand, recover, and grow through adversity, stress, and life’s changing demands.

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