Microcast Monday #13: Read, Learn, Suffer

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday.

🇺🇸 Special thanks to all the brave men and women who protect us everyday who work in the criminal justice field. Also, thanks to all the brave men and women who protect this great country who serve in the US Military.

I hope you have a great Monday and a start to your week. I recently had dinner with a relative this weekend who told me about a college professor he had  back in the day who taught him three things about life which really stuck with him. They stuck with me too, and I want to share them with you.

1) Read – Read everyday. Everything starts with reading and we do it everyday. While we often have to read things that don’t necessarily inspire or motivate us sometimes, we should be reading something everyday that does.

2) Learn – We need to be learning something everyday. Learning is growth and with growth comes wisdom.

3) Suffer – As weird as it sounds we need to be suffering everyday to some degree. I am not talking about physical suffering, but I am talking about the suffering and adversity that helps us become better. Getting comfortable being uncomfortable is one of the paths to success.

Stay tuned for more great guests on the CJEvolution Podcast.

