Police Officer Benefits: A Summary


The decision to attend the police academy and start a career in law enforcement means you will have benefits associated with your career. The job benefits are not limited to the salary potential and the opportunities for promotion. A career in criminal justice offers opportunities to take advantage of additional benefits that may make a slightly lower starting salary a good choice for your long-term goals.

Educational Benefits

While you can start your career after you qualify and complete time at the police academy in your local area, many police departments may offer options for advanced educational opportunities. Educational benefits may range from tuition assistance to undergraduate scholarship programs. The amount of assistance and the available scholarships may vary based on the locality and the amount of funding available to help with the costs. Keep in mind that students in the police academy may also qualify for salary and benefits while they complete their training in some locations.

Retirement Benefits

A key advantage of working as a police officer is the retirement benefits. In most cases, you will have an opportunity to put money aside in a 401(k), an IRA, or both retirement savings accounts through the police department. The match to your contributions to a 401(k) will vary based on your location and the department. Along with the access to retirement accounts, you may qualify for an optional retirement of half-salary after 22 years of service through the department as well as a Variable Supplement Fund that starts after retirement. Exact details about retirement plans will vary based on your department, but most police departments will offer some retirement benefits.

Health and Insurance Benefits

Law enforcement careers usually offer health insurance packages and different forms of vision, dental, and prescription coverage. The health insurance packages may offer a few options based on your needs and the needs of your family. Keep in mind that costs associated with insurance coverage will depend on the plans you select and the details of the plan, so you want to read through the details before finalizing a plan that works for your situation.

Vacation and Sick Days

In general, a career in criminal justice as a police officer will allow you to take paid sick days and vacation days. The number of paid vacation days will depend on the years of service on the police force; however, most police departments will allow you to take paid vacation days. You will also have paid sick days that allow you to address sicknesses throughout the year. The number of sick days may vary based on the department, but many departments do not set a specific limitation on sick days.

Salary Benefits

The salary for police officers depends on your level of education, experience, and position in the department. You can also expect your salary to increase over time as you gain experience and obtain promotions. Your location may also impact your actual salary expectations. The average salary for a police officer varies widely based on your locality. Despite the fact that the exact salary may vary, most departments will offer benefits when you work during local events or on holidays. You may also expect a slight increase in your salary when you work on the night shift. 

The benefits associated with promotional opportunities within a police department allow you to advance in your career. Generally, police departments will offer opportunities to advance in your position as you gain experience, improve your educational level, and pass examinations.

While the exact benefits depend on your locality and the details within a police department, you can expect changes over time. In some cases, the benefits will reduce over time. For example, a department may decide to reduce scholarship funding when facing budget constraints. Alternatively, the department may increase funding for educational programs when extra funds are available. Certain benefits, like your health insurance programs, are not expected to change over time for full-time police officers. 

What to Consider with Looking into a Law Enforcement Career

When you are looking into a law enforcement career, you want to pay attention to the specific benefits available for your work. Look into the details based on your location and the expectations for your career. You should also consider if the department offers retirement programs and the opportunities for promotion. Expect a lower average salary when you start your career and focus on the benefits that apply to your long-term goals.

A career in criminal justice offers an opportunity to help your community. The challenge is identifying when a department offers non-monetary benefits that make it a good choice for your plans. By evaluating the benefits available after you graduate from the police academy and looking into the salary details, you can make an educated decision about your career.

