Microcast Monday #78: Fill Your Cup Up First

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. These short shows are designed to set you on the right direction for your day and week.

Thank you for tuning into the Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast. We know you have many options but thank you for spending some of your valuable time with us. That is why we continue to grow and why we are a top-ranked show. If you haven’t subscribed to the show, please do. Also, please take a moment and give us that 5-Star rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Sponsor: We are are so honored to be partnered with a great company liked Detectachem. Detectachem is helping keep our brave men and women safer by offering mobile threat detection that fits in the palm of your hand. Detecting illicit drugs, explosives and now COVID-19. This application-based technology is a MUST have for your organization.

Special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Thank you for what you do, especially in these difficult times. Remember you are honored, cherished and above all you are loved.

Take care of yourself first.

Imagine you are a cup. The resources you earn each day is water. The energy, time, and resources you give to others are holes in the bottom of your cup.

A cup that is losing water is a life filled with desperation, anxiety, and stress. But when your cup is gaining water you are happier, hopeful, and excited.

If you give more each day than you get, your life will get worse and worse.

Fill. Your. Cup. First. (Garrett Petticrew)

How do you fill your cup first? Start by building your foundation. Your foundation consists of the following:

  • Body and Mind – Exercise and meditate. Remember your body is the only one you will get. Take care of it. It’s your temple. Your body and mind control it all. Meditate. I love meditation. If you would have told me about it a couple years ago, I probably would have laughed at you. I don’t laugh anymore because it has worked for me and it will work for you.
  • Sleep – Believe it or not you need it. Stop thinking you are fine with 4-5 hours a sleep. You aren’t. Deep down you know it. You are just in that cycle. I know because I was once there. Your body needs to re-charge and regenerate. It accomplishes this with much needed sleep. You should be getting 7-8 hours of sleep. And, if you are working Graveyards you can still get the sleep you need. You just need to make it a priority.
  • Food – Food is the energy your body needs to operate at your peak. We all know what is good and bad for us, but many of us choose the bad. Start eating better NOW. Your body and mind will thank you.


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