Microcast Monday #40: The Power of EVOLVE

Hello everyone and welcome back to the show. Special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. A big thanks to the brave men and women who protects us ever day. Thank you for your service and dedication. Keep up the great work.

TRIAD Leadership & Development is here

Your ascent begins in 2020. Triad is on a mission: “To equip organizational leaders with the skills and ability to unlock their leadership potential, get the most out of their career and live their purpose beyond the badge.”

The first session is February 19th, 2020 at Larimer County Sheriffs Department in Larimer County CO. For more information and registration, simply click here!

In this Microcast Monday I wanted to start your day and week off in the right direction by giving you some inspirational and motivational words of wisdom that was the premise behind my book EVOLVE, and is the cornerstone of my personal coaching.  So EVOLVE is an acronym that stands for the following:

E – Elevate your thinking. It really starts with your thinking and mindset. Remember if you want big things to come into your life you need to start thinking big. Thinking small never accomplishes anything.

V – Visualization. Start visualizing what you want in your life. Want that promotion? Visualize yourself in that role. There is so much power in practicing this because you mind will start to push yourself, subconsciously, in the direction you want to go.

O – Others. Who are you surrounding yourself with? The people who you surround yourself with are key to your success. You are the average of the 5 people you associate with.

L – Love yourself. If you don’t love yourself how do you expect to love anyone or anything else? You have much to be grateful for.

V – Victory is yours. You are victorious. You are here. You are talented and gifted and you can do anything.

E – Everyday, be your best. Remember to always put your best foot forward even on the bad days. The universe will take care of the rest.

Want more? Let’s set up that Discovery call.

Stay tuned for more great shows on The CJEvolution Podcast.


