Microcast Monday #36: Merry Christmas & Thank you to our First Responders

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Remember that Monday’s are days that shouldn’t be feared or hated. Monday’s are a great day because its the start of a new week. The start of new opportunities for you. 

Merry Christmas! I hope you and yours have a wonderful week and Christmas Day. If you are working on Christmas thank you. Hopefully you will get off early and you can get back to your families. 

In this Microcast Monday, I wanted to thank you all for protecting us and working on Christmas Day.

Remember you are cherished, honored and loved. Take time to reflect today on all the great relationships and people in your life. Remember that it’s about relationships and not about the “things.”

You have much to be thankful for. 

Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you all have a happy and safe holiday. 


If you are facing obstacles and challenges in your life and you need help, I want to help with my EVOLVE Personal Coaching. I have been where you are. For many years I was burned out, stressed, was angry. I can help move identify, move past and sustain the momentum going into the future. Click here to schedule a Free 45 minute Discovery Call with me.

Let’s get you started on the right path for 2020. 

