Microcast Monday #2: Check your attitude, make a list and spend time with yourself!

Hello Everyone and HAPPY MONDAY!

Its a great day and I hope you had a great weekend. This is Microcast Monday. Designed to get you ready for the week ahead. You shouldn’t be dreading Monday – You should be welcoming it with open arms.

Here are some tips I use to get me ready for the week ahead:

1) Make lists of what you want to accomplish during the week – Personal or Professional, hopefully its both.

2) Look at that list throughout the day. Just don’t make a list and forget about it. Look at it several times a day. Research shows when we make lists and look at the lists we are more likely to accomplish our goals.

3) Spend time with yourself throughout the week to reflect.

Thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. We appreciate you and support you.

Stay tuned for more great episodes and interviews

– Patrick

