Microcast Monday #154 – You Pay for the Decisions You Don’t Make

Microcast Monday #153 | CJEvolution Podcast

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started on your week. Thank you for listening! Please share this podcast with family and friends and give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts we would appreciate it. 

A special thanks to the first responders who work hard to protect and serve our communities and work during the holidays. Remember YOU are honored, cherished, and loved. Keep up the great work and be safe.

I struggled. I was in a dark place for a long time. I was in pain, and I masked it with alcohol.  I was contemplating hurting myself.  I finally decided to reach out and ask for help, and I am grateful I did. FHE Health and The Shatterproof Program saved my life. If you are struggling, you don’t have to stay there. We can and will help you. Reach out today at 303.960.9819.


We make decisions all the time—some of the decisions we need to make we don’t. We kick them down the road and hope they will solve themselves if we don’t think about them. Procrastination. We are all guilty of it. Maybe it’s a professional decision. Maybe it’s a personal decision. Maybe you need help with an addiction or you need to speak with someone about things you’re struggling with. Things don’t have a chance to get better unless you act. 

We have this one life. This one chance to make our mark and live the life we were born to live. 

Make the move forward. Act!

Stay tuned for more great episodes on the CJEvolution Podcast.




