Microcast Monday #152 – Become Unstoppable

Hello Everyone and Welcome Back to Microcast Monday. Short burst of inspiration and motivation to get you started on your week. If you love the show please share it with family and friends and give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts. 

A big thanks to you! Thank you for what you do. Please remember that you are cherished and loved. The majority of people support you. Never forget that. Please be safe!

I struggled. I was in a dark place for a long time. I was in pain, and I masked it with alcohol.  I was contemplating hurting myself.  I finally decided to reach out and ask for help, and I am grateful I did. FHE Health and The Shatterproof Program saved my life. If you are struggling, you don’t have to stay there. We can and will help you. Reach out today at 303.960.9819


Learn to become unstoppable. Get focused on what you want in your life. Life goes by too fast so you might as well go for what you want. The majority of people go to their grave thinking about one thing – Regret. Regret they didn’t take more chances. Regret they lived their life based on the expectation of someone else. 

You have control of your life. Start taking the steps you need to make it better. Not tomorrow, not in a week. Today!

Go out and conquer your day and stay tuned for more great guests on the CJEvolution Podcast.


Instagram: @cjevolution_podcast

Tiktok: @therealcjevolution

Youtube: CJEvolution Podcast


