Microcast Monday #151 – You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be

Microcast Monday Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started for your week. Thank you for listening to the show. If you like this show and others, please share with family and friends. Give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts. 

A big thanks to YOU! Every day you go out and do an incredible job serving and protecting. Remember that majority of Americans love and respect you. Keep up the great work and please be safe. 

I struggled. I was in a dark place for a long time. I was in pain, and I masked it with alcohol.  I was contemplating hurting myself.  I finally decided to reach out and ask for help, and I am grateful I did. FHE Health and The Shatterproof Program saved my life. If you are struggling, you don’t have to stay there. We can and will help you. Reach out today at 303.960.9819


You might be thinking why do bad things and events always happen to me? Why do I always find myself in the same situations? One problem might be repeated behaviors. Doing the same things often lead to the same results. Maybe it’s time to shake things up a bit and do things differently. Seek out that mentor or people that can help you elevate to a better level.

Remember as hard as it might be you are exactly where you need to be right now – even though it sucks. I believe that nothing “just happens to me”. Everything that happens is for a purpose and I am right where I need to be at this moment in time. When I was at my lowest, I knew that things would get better. I knew there was help for me and I knew I was in my place for a reason. 

Stay strong and stay steadfast. You are at the place you are for a reason. The reason is yours to discover. 

Stay tuned for more great guests on the CJEvolution Podcast



