Microcast Monday #149 – Stop Procrastinating

Microcast Monday #149 | CJEvolution Podcast

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started with your week. If you love the show please share this and other episodes with your family and friends and give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts. 

A big thank you to YOU! Thank you for being a first responder. Thank you for what you do every day. Remember the majority of people support you. Don’t believe all the crap in the media and social media. You are honored, cherished, and loved. Keep up the great work. 

I struggled. I was in a dark place for a long time. I was in pain, and I masked it with alcohol.  I was contemplating hurting myself.  I decided to finally reach out and ask for help and I am grateful I did. FHE Health and The Shatterproof Program saved my life. If you are struggling, you don’t have to stay there. We can and will help you. Reach out today at 303.960.9819

Time for a check-up. It’s October. Are you where you wanted to be when 2022 started? Maybe you are and that is fantastic. Maybe you aren’t. Maybe you have been putting off what you need to do until that day when everything is perfectly aligned and you can make your move. Here is a little secret – It’s never going to be perfectly aligned. 

There is no such thing as a perfect time to make your move. The traffic lights of life are never going to be green at the same time. So what are you waiting for? Why do you continue to procrastinate? I have been there. I have put off things I knew I needed to do until that day. That day when things were right and I could make my move. Meanwhile, my physical and mental health suffered while I waited and procrastinated. 

Don’t wait any longer for your personal and professional development. Time waits for no one, and your time is now. 

Go out and conquer your day and your week. 

Stay tuned for more great guests on the Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast



