Microcast Monday #148 – The First Step is Always the Hardest

Microcast Monday #148 - The First Step is Always the Hardest

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started on your day. If you love this show and others, please share with your family and friends. Give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts.

Thank you. Thank you for protecting and serving every day. There is a lot of negative talk about law enforcement in this country but remember this. The vast majority of people support you. Keep doing a great job and please be safe. 

Personal and Professional challenges get to us all. Sometimes we fall into depression, and isolation and start self-medicating. Remember you are not alone. Just because you are suffering doesn’t mean you need to stay there. If you are struggling with addiction, mental health challenges, or both, please reach out. My life changed for the better when I took that step forward. I am so grateful for FHE Health and The Shatterproof Program for First Responders. Reach out to me directly at 303-960- 9819.  https://fherehab.com/services/first-responders/

You know you need to make a decision on something. Maybe it’s personal. Maybe it’s professional. You know you have to take a step forward but you are fearful. You are afraid of making the wrong decision. You are afraid of what people will think. 

Life is taking chances. You sometimes fail, and you sometimes win with your decision but you need to take a step forward and make it. Often the thing we know we need to do is the exact step we need to take. 

No one can do it for you. You have to do it yourself. When you were learning how to walk people were there to coach, hold and encourage you to take your first step. It’s the same now with your decision. You have to do it.

You can do it. People believe in you. I believe in you.

Go out and conquer your day.

Stay tuned for more great episodes on the CJEvolution Podcast



