Microcast Monday #139 – There is no perfect life. Love your imperfections

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started for your week.

A big thanks to you and all of the other criminal justice professionals. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Remember you are honored, cherished, and loved. Keep up the great work. 

If you are struggling with addiction, mental health challenges, or both please reach out. My life changed for the better when I took that step forward. I am so grateful for FHE Health and The Shatterproof Program for First Responders. Reach out at 844-650-1399 or contact me directly at 303-960- 9819.  https://fherehab.com/services/first-responders/ 

Maybe you want a perfect life. Maybe that entails financial freedom. An amazing relationship. Perfect kids etc. Whatever that looks like to you. But, you are not perfect and neither are others. When you embrace your imperfections and keep moving forward you are one step closer to becoming your authentic self and closer to having the happiness that you want and desire. 

We all are works in progress. Be happy with you, and love yourself. 

Stay tuned for more great guests on the CJEvolution Podcast. If would like to be a guest on the show please reach out to me at www.cjevolution.com

Go out and conquer your day and conquer your week.


