Microcast Monday #136 – 5 Tips to Improve Your Mental Wellbeing

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Shorts bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started on the right footing for your week. 

A big thanks to YOU! The criminal justice professional. Thank you for what you do. Remember you are honored, cherished, and loved. Keep up the good work and please be safe.

Sponsor: Ever have a questionable ID handed to you? Do you wish there was a way to check that document for its validity? I remember those times as a police officer when I was presented with what appeared to be a suspicious form of identification. I wish I had SureScan during that time. SureScan technology puts the power to ID fake IDs with a 99% accuracy rate in the palm of your hand. Reach out to SureScan today and get a free demo at: www.surescan.us/cjevolution

If you are struggling right now with addiction, mental health challenges, or both please reach out. My life changed for the better when I took that step forward. I am so grateful for FHE Health and The Shatterproof Program for First Responders. Reach out at 844-650-1399 or contact me directly at 303-960-9819.  https://fherehab.com/services/first-responders/ 

When it comes down to it we all want to be happy. Yet, so many aren’t happy. How can you improve your Mental Outlook and Well-being? 

Here are five tips:

1) Connect with people – When I say this I mean the RIGHT people. People who are positive and lift you up, not down.

2) Get physically active – No, you don’t have to be in the gym for hours. Start with something easy – Like a brisk walk and build from there.

3) Learn new skills – Life is about continuing to grow and learn.

4) Giving to others – It can be as simple as your time. It can be as simple as giving your smile and a positive attitude to others.

5) Pay attention to the present moment – This is essentially the core behind meditation. You will never get this moment back so live in it.

Stay tuned for more great guests on The CJEvolution Podcast



