Microcast Monday #128 – You Can’t do it Alone

Hello, my friends and welcome back to Microcast Monday on The CJEvolution Podcast. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started on your week. Thank you for the support and please continue to share this show with your family and friends. Also, please give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts

I want to thank you, the criminal justice professional for all you do for our communities. Please be safe and remember you have much support. You are honored, cherished, and loved. 

Sponsor: In law enforcement, it’s not uncommon to get presented with questionable forms of identification, and it can be difficult to determine the validity of ID. Now there is SureScan. SureScan puts the power to ID fake IDs with a 99% accuracy rate in the palm of your hand. Reach out today and request a free demo at www.surescan.us/cjevolution

Sponsor: Many first responders are suffering in silence. An estimated 40% of first responders suffer from mental health challenges, addiction, or both. Please reach out and ask for help. I was there at one point. I was scared and my ego got in the way for many years. FHE Health and Shatterproof for First Responders is here for you. Reach out today at 844-650-1399 or reach out to me directly at 303-960-9819

Microcast Monday:

For many years I went it alone with my mental health challenges. I thought I would be judged if I came forward. I was afraid and my ego got in the way of getting better. The fact of the matter is that YOU cannot do this life alone. You need trusted friends and family for support. You are not an island like many of us think. Life is a team sport, and you will become better when you reach out and ask for help.

Remember you will never be able to handle your challenges by yourself. Reach out today so people can rally behind you and shower you will support and love.

Go out and conquer your day, and stay tuned for more great guests on The Top Ranked Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast.



