Microcast Monday #114 – You Control Your 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Thank you for tuning in. I know you have many options, but we appreciate you listening. 

A big shout out and thank you to all the brave men and women who work in the Criminal Justice Field. Whatever you are doing and wherever you are at, thank you for your continued service and dedication. Remember you are honored, cherished, and loved. Keep up the great work and be safe.

Sponsor: Do you want to keep your front-line personnel safer? Check out Detectachem. This amazing company is helping keep YOU the criminal justice professional safer. They offer mobile threat detection that fits on the palm of your hands. Detecting illicit drugs, explosives, and now COVID-19. This application-based technology is a must-have for your organization. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com 

Do you need a dynamic and passionate speaker for your organization? I love talking to criminal justice organizations about leadership, overcoming obstacles, and resiliency. Check out my speaking engagement tab at www.cjevolution.com and book me today! 

Please keep Colorado in your prayers. Many residents of Boulder County lost their homes and everything else in the horrific fires recently.  God Bless them all. 

As you head into your day and the new year remember that YOU CONTROL YOUR 2022. Sure you might have difficulties and challenges (We all do), but they aren’t anything you can’t overcome. Remember that your mindset sets the tone for everything else. 

I love you and I believe in you. Go out and conquer your day, week, and the new year. 

I would love to hear from you! Also, if you have a moment please give us that 5-Star rating on Apple Podcasts.

Be safe. Until next time.



