Microcast Monday #112 – Keep Your Mind Open

Happy Monday Everyone. I hope your day is off to a great start. If you love this show, please give us that 5-Star Rating on Apple Podcasts. 

A big shout out and Thank You to all the brave men and women working in The Criminal Justice Field. Remember that you are honored, cherished and loved. Don’t believe everything you see on the media. The vast majority of Americans support and love you. Keep up the great work.

Sponsor: A big thanks to our sponsor Detectachem. This amazing and innovative company is helping keep our first responders safer by offering mobile threat detection that fits in the palm of your hands. Detecting illicit drugs, explosives and now COVID-19. This application-based technology is a must have for your organization. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com

Today I want you to think about direction and options in your life. Are you keeping your mind open to possibilities or options you have in front of you? It could be options in your organization. It could be options for your personal life. It could be options for treatment for addiction or mental health. Remember you always have options in the course you want to take. However, sometimes we don’t keep our mind open. Remember change is going to happen whether you like it or not. 

So today please go forward and remember you are never stuck. There are always solutions to every problem or issue you might have. You just have to keep your mind open and take that first step.

I would love to hear from you. I love talking to first responders and organizations about resiliency, leadership and mental health for first responders. You can find my scheduling link below. 

Go out and conquer your day. Be safe. 


