Microcast Monday #85 – Let The Good Stuff In

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get your started on your week. Thank you for tuning into the show. We know you have many options. A big shout out to the brave men and women working in the criminal justice field. Whatever you are doing and wherever you are at, THANK YOU! Remember YOU are honored, cherished, and loved.

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Sponsor: We are are so honored to be partnered with a great company liked Detectachem. Detectachem is helping keep our brave men and women safer by offering mobile threat detection that fits in the palm of your hand. Detecting illicit drugs, explosives and now COVID-19. This application-based technology is a MUST have for your organization.

Microcast Monday.

Bring the good things into your life. Stop focusing on the negative. Remember what you focus on, good or bad, GROWS! If you have a lot of debt, stop focusing on that. You need to focus on the MONEY you need to get out of debt. That is what is going to be drawn into your life – Remember, law of attraction.

Someone asked Mother Teresa are you anti-war, she replied by saying she was PRO PEACE. See the difference? Remember where your thoughts go, energy flows. Whatever you focus on gets bigger.

Bring in the good things into your life.

Go out and conquer your day and week.

Stay tuned for more great episodes on The Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast

Links & Resources

  • Check out previous episodes here
  • Download a free copy of my book EVOLVE here
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