Microcast Monday #59: Live a more Intentional Life

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. We continue to grow because of you, the listener and supporter. One you get a moment please give us that 5-Star rating on iTunes.

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As you head into your Monday, I want you to start being more intentional. More intentional in your personal and professional life…

Being intentional is doing things with purpose. Being deliberate.

If you want more out of life, you must become more intentional. Anything you want requires ACTION, not just words. Here are some tips to help you become more intentional.

  • Pause for a moment – in this busy word we live in we often need to pause and take a break to refuel. Even if it’s more 10 minutes, find a quit place and JUST BE
  • Connect to your WHY – I often get asked how did you do that, what is the secret? There is no secret, and the how will come when you figure out YOUR WHY. Write things DOWN to remember your WHY and how to get there
  • Be proactive – Just don’t say it, DO IT! Remember don’t be a collector of ideas, be an executor of them
  • Practice Gratitude – In these uncertain times, I know it’s hard to see the bright side of things but there always are and you have MUCH to be grateful for. If you don’t practice gratitude, START TODAY.

Want more tips and suggestions? Read more here.

Stay tuned for more great guests on The CJEvolution Podcast

Special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Thank you all for the hard work you do every day, especially in these difficult times.

