Microcast Monday #37: Forgive Yourself

Hello everyone and welcome back to the show. This is the FIRST Microcast Monday of 2020 and I am very excited you tuned into the show. Special thanks to all the brave men and women who serve and protect us everyday. Thank you!

Are you struggling with obstacles or roadblocks in your life? I know for many years I did too until I sought out and received personal coaching and personal mentors that helped me overcome adversity and achieve success in my life. I want to help you in this new year learn to overcome, achieve and succeed in your personal and professional life with my EVOLVE Personal Coaching. Sign up for a FREE 45minute Discovery Call here.

For the rest of this great day I want you to think about and reflect on what I am about to tell you…

Forgive yourself.

Forgive yourself for making those mistakes you have make with your personal and professional life. Unless you forgive yourself first, it will be very hard for you to move forward and be successful. Here are some ways to help you.

1) Remember that it’s ok to feel guilty, but understand there is a difference between guilt and shame. Guilt serves a purpose, shame does not.

2) Admit you messed up – We all mess up at points, but stop blaming others.

3) Apologize to anyone you may have hurt.

4) Imagine what forgiveness would feel like.

5) Write yourself an apology.

6) Learn from your mistakes – Stop doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. That is insane.

7) Be Patient – Don’t rush things, especially the feelings of others. First you can’t control it and when you rush things you will probably make them worse.

8) Don’t try to change other people – You can’t. But you can change yourself.

9) Practice what you preach.

Here’s the reference to today’s show.

I hope you have a great rest of your Monday and week. Stay tuned for more great episodes on the CJEvolution Podcast. Check out all previous episodes here.

