Microcast Monday #68: Don’t Give Your Energy Away

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday.

What are you spending your energy on? Are you spending your energy on people and things that are not advancing you personally and professionally? For many years I did this. I had to learn to focus my energy on the positive, not the negative. We all have people in our life that are energy vampires. Those people SUCH the energy out of us. In turn we can become negative and cynical. This drains our energy. Remember you control what and who you spend your time and energy with.

Take your energy back today and turn your life around.

Go out and conquer your Monday and week.

Stay tuned for more great guests on The CJEvolution Podcast.

A big thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. You do a job that most can’t or won’t do. Remember you are honored, cherished and above all you are loved. Keep up the great work.

