Microcast Monday #46: Stay calm, Stay Optimistic and Take Care of Each Other

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Special thanks to all the brave men and women who protect us everyday. Thank you so much for what you do. A big thanks to the medical professionals who are on the front line treating and caring for patients in these trying times.

If you love coffee then you will love the products from Four Sigmatic. From cocoa’s to coffee their products are amazing and good for you too. My personal favorite is Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee. It doesn’t taste like mushrooms, it tastes like real coffee. Click here to get 15% off your purchases using the promo code CJEVO.

On to the show…

As you head into your Monday, please remain calm, stay optimistic and remember to take care of each other. I know a big part of your job is remaining calm in the midst of chaos but remember that a lot of people are going to the “dark side” with the Coronavirus pandemic. Your job is to help them remain calm and remain positive. While I am not trying to mitigate the severity of the virus, I do believe that there is a lot of hysteria and fear out there that is not warranted. In my opinion, the Fear and Hysteria that surrounds Coronavirus is much more contagious now. 

We will get through this and this too will pass.

Remember to take care of the people that need extra help right now. Such as the elderly or people that need help. We need to continue to come together as a community because that is what is going to get us through this.

Here’s information from the CDC on Coronavirus and how to protect yourself.

