Microcast Monday #26: Building Confidence

Hello everyone and welcome back to the show. Happy Monday! Remember that Monday’s are great days. It’s a new week and new opportunities are in front of you.

If you’re committed to your personal growth and want to contribute to expanding and growing our cultural and social structures to facilitate global expansion and awakening.

Then I have a special invitation for you …Join me in an event like no other, Awakened Life Expo. It’s organized by my good friend, Kerri Kannan.

She has brought together over 50 of the best experts on Spirituality, Health, Relations, Economics, Science, Education, Arts, Infrastructure, Justice, Media, Environment and Governance so you can make 2020 the year that you make a difference and live a more fulfilling life.

Click here to reserve your free spot.

On this Monday I wanted to take a few moments and talk about building confidence. We all have times when are confidence takes a hit. We don’t feel like we are up to the task. However, as first-responders it’s so important that we not only build our confidence, but we also sustain that confidence over time. Here are some tips to help you do so.

1) Think of a time that you felt really confident.  What are you confident at? Imagine you were confident right now, how does that feel to you?

2) As you remember feeling confident, you will start to feel confident. Where does that confidence start? Your head, your stomach, your feet?

3) Imagine you can see your confident feeling. What color is your feeling? Make this feel brighter and stronger.

4) Does your confident feeling, feel hot our cold? Double the temperature of your confident feeling.

5) In what direction does your feeling spin in? Whatever direction spin it faster and faster.

How much more confident to you feel now? Better? Good!

Go forth and conquer the day.

