Microcast Monday #64: Every Setback is a Building Block

Hello everyone and it’s time for MICROCAST MONDAY. Happy Monday. Yes, I said Happy. So many people hate Monday’s. Don’t be one of those people. I used to be that way until I learned that Monday’s are great days because it’s the start of a new week and endless possibilities await you.

A big shout out to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Thank you! Don’t listen to all the negative crap you hear from some media outlets and people. You have the support of millions. Remember you are honored, cherished and you are loved.

As you start your Monday I want you to remember that every setback is a building block. Yes, every time you fail and experience defeat you are building a better future. BUT, you have to be willing to not only learn but to get up and keep moving forward. So many people, after they fail, stay down. This is obviously not a good place to reside. You deserve the best in life and don’t listen to the people who say otherwise. In fact, stop associating with those people immediately.

As long as you keep learning and keep moving forward you will achieve everything you want in life and more. And remember, Every Setback is Building Block.

Stay tuned for more great guests on The CJEvolution Podcast. Head over to iTunes and give us that 5-Star Rating.

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