Ep. 275: Retired Navy SEAL, Veteran of 3 Wars and Successful Author – Billy Allmon

Hello everyone and welcome back to the CJE Podcast. A big should out to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Keep up the great work and you have much support.

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In this episode, Patrick welcomes the one and only Billy Allmon.

Billy is a retired Navy SEAL, and he honorably served his country from 1969 to 1993. He retired as a chief petty officer, and he is a combat veteran of three wars. While in the Navy SEALs, Mr. Allmon participated in numerous covert and overt missions around the world in support of US doctrine, foreign governments, militaries, and other official agencies. His book, “When the Bullet Hits Your Funny Bone – The Essence of a U.S. Navy SEAL,” is a reflection of the humorous side of life in the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams. Billy Allmon will have you in stitches as he reveals how U.S. Navy SEALs use their humor (and at times it is very dark humor) to relieve the stresses of combat, while facing death on almost a daily bases. For all of you out there who love to laugh, even in the face of adversity, this book is a MUST read!

Patrick and Billy have a great conversation talking about about the military, what it takes to become a SEAL, how Billy gave up an Ivy League Education to join and NAVY, and law enforcement.

Links & Resources

  • Find Billy and his publications on Amazon
  • Follow & connect with Billy on LinkedIn
  • Please rate and review the show on iTunes, and stay tuned for more great episodes.

