Microcast Monday #34: Be Grateful for the People in your Life

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday.

I am very excited that my book EVOLVE is here. If you would like a signed copy of this must have book for first responders please reach out to me on social media. If you want a FREE eBook version of EVOLVE just click here.

On this Monday I want you to take some time and be grateful for the people in your life. Everyone that is in your life at the moment is there for a reason and you should cherish those people.

Remember to focus on the love and happiness in your relationships because that is what really matters most in life.

No matter how bad you think your life is, and I hope you don’t feel that way, you have someone to be grateful for. The “things” don’t and they can be replaced. Remember to take time and reflect on the brave men and women who have perished during 2019. Please pray for their families as we head into Christmas.

Take time and be grateful for your life and who you have in it.

Go conquer your day.


